Team CBLT is a fan-made, and entirely free-to-play RWBY visual novel, created to follow the adventures of an OC team throughout their first year of Beacon Academy, a school where future generations train to hunt soulless monsters known as the Creatures of Grimm.
RWBY is a popular animated web series made by the the Austin-based company Rooster Teeth Productions, and the CBLT Team has no affiliation with, or any endorsement by, Rooster Teeth.
CBLT takes place during the first three volumes of the show, and the bonds (and even possible romances) you make with students and OCs will influence your storyline ending... and possibly even canon events.
DINOMAN21779: DinoMan is the original creator of Team CBLT, and the game's lead developer.
ARC ALPHA 12: Arc is one of the lead writers of the team, and helps to contribute not only to the story, but also to the writing of several canonical and original characters, as well as for the combat scripts of the game.
RAINSHADOWARTIST: Rainshadow is one of CBLT's concept artists and character designers, and also helps consult the team on several of her own creations, including the popular interpretation of Professor Peach, Amanita.
BUNNYVOID: Bunnyvoid is our main BG artist, and has created several spaces that have helped bring Beacon Academy and the City of Vale to life.
AMACO: Amaco is our main sprite artist and another one of our concept artists, and originally helped to bring some of the first designs of the main cast of CBLT to life!
PLOTTWISTSTUDIOS: PlotTwistStudios is CBLT's main composer, and has helped to create several pieces of entirely new music for the game... and also re-covered the main theme for CBLT, which itself was a cover of some of the main themes from RWBY's first soundtrack. Cover-ception!
PlotTwist also released a wholly original game, Women of Xal, which you can check out here on Itch or on Steam!